Thursday, September 26, 2013

208,000 jobs needed every month until 2023 in U.S.

Begin quote:
"Economist Laura D'Andrea Tyson calculated that even if job creation almost doubled to 208,000 jobs per month experienced throughout 2005, it would take until 2023 to close the gap opened by the recession." End quote from "Race Against the Machine" a book I'm presently reading on Kindle.

However, I'm not exactly sure whether this is page 1 or page 2. It is near the beginning.

This is sort of alarming but mostly in the context of the information processing and robotic human job replacing cycle which could likely be called, "The Information processing revolution" I suppose.

I have written before that this is actually more serious for the human race than the Industrial revolution because it is the end of jobs as we have known them since the Industrial revolution.
Before that most people who worked, worked on farms or owned farms. I believe until around 1900 the majority of people in the U.S. still lived on farms. It has only been during the 20th and 21st centuries that this hasn't been true.

But, if jobs go away for the most part to information technology and robotics then people likely are going to have to return to the land to have enough food to eat that they grow themselves worldwide once again. I don't at present see another non-violent solution to the problems at hand.

Though some will react violently to the end of jobs for most untrained (non-college educated) masses I think most who are the long term survivors of the human race will return to the land to grow their own food so they don't starve without regular jobs once again like before 1900. So, likely by the end of this century more people will farm than live in cities once again all over earth.

So, maybe what we are heading towards is something like what Luke Skywalker experienced on Tatooine growing up there. In other words High tech farming in the developed nations on earth and low tech farming most other places. However, within 100 years or more all or most farming on Earth likely would be high tech and every farm would have 1 or more 3d printers to make or remake literally all mechanical parts to anything needing to be replaced including clothes and possibly even some foods.

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