Saturday, June 21, 2014

The De Facto War between all Sunnis and Shias now in Iraq

The parades in Baghdad and other mainly cities in the mainly Shiite south revealed the depth and diversity of the militia's arsenal, from field artillery and missiles to multiple rocket launchers and heavy machine guns, adding a new layer to mounting evidence that Iraq is inching closer to a religious war between Sunnis and Shiites.

end partial quote from:

Sunni fighters expand offensive in western Iraq

I think we have been in a religious war the past couple of years in Syria. Pretending it isn't happening isn't useful anymore. I don't completely understand why Iran is buying into a full on religious war because there are so many less Shias than Sunni Muslims. However, there may be something about all this I don't understand. Possibly the Iranians see the Sunnis as less organized than the Shias because they are in so many different countries instead of the Shias who are mostly in only Iran, and Iraq as majorities and as minorities in Syria and Lebanon.

So, because of the stance of both Russia and Iran in Syria the Religious war between Sunnis and Shias is in full swing. Since ISIS made deals with Assad and Assad gave oil wells and land to ISIS to leave him alone and to fight with Syrian Rebels we now have this Devil's deal between Assad and ISIS now claiming Iraq. If ISIS can claim Iraq why can't ISIS also claim Syria and Iran eventually with Sunni help from all Sunni nations?

All these things now don't make a lot of sense to me. But, as oil gets more and more expensive around the world and more foreign nationals are kidnapped or tortured to death you are going to see a whole lot more than just U.S. special forces in there directing missiles to hit various locations ongoing.



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