Sunday, August 24, 2014

Time and space is only useful if you are living in a Physical Body

When people pass on in between lifetimes or after this lifetime or before this lifetime begins time and space isn't really useful at all because it only makes sense when you are a soul residing in a physical body. So, for people here on earth being attached to time and space the way the are isn't useful after passing on at all unless you are a soul visiting your friends and relatives in visions or dreams. Then the dream interface allows contact with your friends and relatives. Also, people like myself who are natural shamans who live in the world of the living and the world of the dead simultaneously, we can naturally see this going on all the time.

The difficulty for people usually is getting used to not having a working human body to live in. It takes time for most human souls to adapt to this. Freaking out isn't really helpful in this. Freaking out only scatters your soul into pieces and then you have to put all the pieces back together again somehow. So, learning to stay calm through your passing on experience is helpful. Knowing that either you will either be no more or that you will be always alive in some form is helpful and just accepting one of those two things ARE GOING to HAPPEN eventually to you is best.

Worrying about the whole thing or freaking out about it only causes your early premature deaths.

While staying calm and being pragmatic and practical about the only two things that likely could happen is much more useful.

If you equally expect to experience nothing after death or experience eternal life after death it means you have (in your way of thinking) a 50% chance you will have eternal life. Since this is pragmatically true maybe being kind to yourself and all beings all the time (or as much as you can manage) might be useful to your enlightened self interest as a potential eternal Soul.

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