Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Thank you for not operating on my newly ruptured appendix and killing me on 3-27-15

It's really amazing what you learn after the fact. First there is liability laws. If my burst appendix was actually recognized for what it was the doctors and nurses would be required by liability laws in medical practice to operate right then on me. The problem:This often results in death from Sepsis(feces in the blood).

So, what I'm saying here is "Thank you for not operating on my newly burst appendix because I'm not dead now because of it."

Here's the thing with a human body. If you operate on a newly burst appendix the likelihood is you will die. So, if they had recognized what was wrong with me I would likely be dead now.

But, if you have a really strong immune system like I do. (The strongest immune system anyone ever saw at that hospital) you are better off to suffer alone like I did in my room where the poisoning of my body happened for 48 to 72 hours where i only drank water slept and went to the bathroom because the pain was just so bad I couldn't do anything else. I also though was able to keep my Heart Medicine (lisiopril) and edema medicine (Spironolactone) and Thyroid medicine (Armour Thyroid) without throwing it up like I had the night before while in the hospital on a morphine drip, oxygen, and a saline drip.

So, even though I was completely constipated, couldn't eat anything without throwing it up (except medicine, water and Pedialyte, I was still alive and would remain so unlike many many who have their appendix operated on when it has already burst.

So, you need at least 2 days for your body to isolate the poison from the explosion of your appendix.

So, when finally on Monday my constipation ended I was very happy that I could at least drink some Kefir and eat some mangoes finally without throwing all that up.

Then finally on the next saturday I decided I needed to be tested for an appendicitis. And we found
through a CT Scan that i was having a problem with my appendix.

Within 3 hours of the CT Scan I was in the "alien technology lab" with an all girl team of nurses, doctors and anesthesiologists and by 11 pm I was released to recover in my room for 5 days until they finally released me last Wednesday.

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