Sunday, June 28, 2015

The problem of Terrorist Acts

The main problem with terrorist acts in places like Tunisia in resorts there is that they devastate the local economy. Do you really think westerners (Europe, the U.S. etc.) are going to go there after this?

This then devastates the local economy, people then resent the tourists for not coming back, and their children who might grow up starving because there are no tourists to work for, might become terrorists which again is like a vicious circle leading to the collapse of a country.

The problem of terrorists is that even if they are only 1% or less of a country's population they can devastate a local economy and begin the end of that nation's government by so doing.

In times of overpopulation and a lack of good water and food at reasonable prices and no jobs for people under about 35 or 40 years of age. This creates chain reactions that ends nations one by one in places like the Middle East and Africa potentially.

I don't see a way to stop this given the present cost of living, cost of oil etc.

It is possible that up to 1/2 of all nations on earth without fully functional economies will fail this century from exactly this same kind of problem around the world.

Part of the problem is media where young people see other people around the world with educations, money, cars, women etc. But then, they look at their own lives and can't even find a job to get married. Then often in desperation they become criminals or terrorists which only shortens their lives so often they don't survive until 30 years of age.

This is part of the cycle killing poorer nations and poorer people one by one around the world.

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