Friday, June 19, 2015

The U.S.: Drought in the West and flooding in the East?

Though everything from Texas to the north and east seems to be floating away some days this isn't true for the Western United States. I'm sort of grateful to live on the Northern California coast at this point because the fog that usually comes (both high and low) from about May to July or August is mostly keep the plants and trees alive because there isn't really rain beyond the dew in the morning from heavy high and low fog. So, any morning when the dew has been heavy the night before is a good day for plants and trees. So, somewhat things are staying green from the fog and dew to some degree which is far different inland about 10 to 20 miles where fog doesn't go as much as right along the coast this time of year. Also, fires in California are starting to be a problem too because of the drought.

However, I was talking to a friend in South Korea and he was telling me that rainfall the last couple of months has been about 1% to 5% of normal so people in South Korea are sort of worried at this point about the rain coming this summer during the traditional monsoons of Asia.

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