Saturday, December 5, 2015

Is America doomed to a Republican controlled Congress and a Democratic President?

I'm an independent. So, my point of view is that the Two Party system has died. IN case you didn't notice it there are no longer enough white Republicans to EVER elect another Reagan in your lifetime. In fact, they are dying faster than they are being born. In addition to this most Republican children like I was raised are democratic until they are at least 30 years of age because of actually looking at the social problems the world is facing. So, not until someone gives up caring about the masses in the U.S. or anywhere else really do they become a dyed in the wool Republican.

However, even I as an independent see the death of our two party system Regarding the fact that no Republican (especially like Reagan likely can ever be voted in again. In fact, the last Bush Lost the popular vote in 2000 and was put in place by the Supreme court against the voting will of the people by the electoral college which I really thought was badly done when Gore won the popular vote in th first place. So, likely his father Bush I was the last fairly elected Republican president ever demographically speaking.

Trump, if he got enough of the African American Christian religious vote might become president though, even if he completely has failed the Hispanics by what he has said about them. So, he has completely lost the Hispanic vote but then again they are usually Democrats anyway.

The problem with the death of the two party system in regard to presidents is it is making government very unwieldy and unbalanced. This in turn could turn the U.S. into more of a Banana Republic or Oligarchy which is rule by the rich even more than it is already.

When you add to this the death of the Middle Class there is really very little at this point to keep the U.S. from turning into just another Banana Republic eventually.

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