Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Past lives are tricky

When someone walks up to me and says something like: "I was napoleon in France in the 1800s" I don't take them seriously. The same if they say they were Queen Elizabeth I in England or some other King or Queen.

However, if someone comes up to me and says, "I was captured as a sailor and was tortured and then beheaded by a guillotine when I was 20 years old." I likely might take them seriously. Because very few of us were kings and queens and usually that is only one of thousands or millions of lifetimes of that person. This is just the way it is.

Some people, this is there first life right now. And you can usually tell because they have a lot of trouble figuring out how to be a human being.

Other people are very good at being a human being to the point where they have become pretty cynical about the whole thing. You can spot them too. They are what is called very old souls who have incarnated many times and often are very rich too if that is what they want to be.

I never saw the value of being rich most of my life until I was in my 40s. Even then I asked to be a "Custodian of God's wealth" and then that happened. But yes, I am a very old soul and some say very wise too.

But, what I want to caution you about is "Past lives are very tricky."  So most people choose to forget past lives and just deal with all that subconsciously.  Here's the problem.

Imagine in a past life everything about you was different then. Your parents were very different. You spoke a different language than now. You didn't go to school so whatever you learned you learned from the school of hard knocks and couldn't read. Then the army got you or the Navy and you were then bludgeoned into being a soldier. So, only if you fought for your life could you survive every single day.

What does that person have in common with you right now? Maybe absolutely nothing except likely you are good at surviving any way you can still.

This is the problem with past lives. You could have been a good or bad person and what does that even mean in the context of now or then? It might have been that survival was all that you could do and you died trying to survive your life by 25 or 30 like most people did before 1900.

So, how does that relate to your life now except that that life might be giving you the psychological problems you are still trying to work out now?

So, past lives are very tricky to negotiate. So, be very careful of people who say, "I was napoleon bonaparte" because mental institutions are full of those already worldwide even if it is really true what you say.

So, if you are actually going to learn about past lives here is what I would recommend:

Pray about it. Here is a good prayer:

"Dear God. If you think it is beneficial then share with me some of my past life memories that you think might help me in my present lifetime. Amen"

This might be a good way to start if you are interested and have the time and energy and money to be doing this sort of thing.

However, if you are a writer and can make money to support yourself while writing about your past lifetimes then this might be a different thing if you can survive writing about this kind of stuff.

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