Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The mixing of humanity in new ways

I was reading what I quoted about the "Tinder" site from Wikipedia and realized that humanity is really changing in unbelievable ways directly from sites like "Tinder". You will have people who would have never met in a million years meeting and falling for each other through "Tinder". So, people who wouldn't have dared approach each other because of various social conventions would meet and date.

For example, the people I dated in the 1960s and 1970s before I married for the first time were all people I met in either High School, college or church or once in a while at a party or something like this.

There were always girls of every race and religious persuasion that I might have dated but social conventions usually got into my way. 

So, what I'm saying is the world now in the western world at least is very very different than it was for me growing up.

Social boundaries (for those who are daring enough) are mostly gone unless you want them there in place still in the western world at least because of sites like "Tinder" and others around the world.

From a social science point of view where this all might be going is people will only get married when they want to have children with someone now.

So, I think you will see more sites that fill the nitch of "I want children and to be married" too separate from sites like Tinder which is more "I want to meet someone amazing and get laid".

So, I think you are going to see a whole lot less people living with a significant other because of sites like Tinder where you can get what you want for one night and relieve the stress of life in this way.

Whether this is a good or bad thing I can't say. We'll see what society thinks about all this within 5 to 10 years or so at this point.

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