If you have been studying the weather like I have worldwide over the last 10 years or so, you can see the changes pretty easily. For example, Redding, California hit 90 degrees 15 days before it ever has in it's history. This is just one of many indicators that shows that likely 2016 will be the warmest in recorded history (the last 15,000 years) for mankind.
If you look northwards temperatures of 15 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit above normal (normal being average temperatures before the Year 2000) are common year around. So, it is to the far north and the far south of the planet where the extremes are the highest temperature wise now on earth and not in the center of the planet where the equator is. The equator tends to create slow rises in temperature that then stays about that more whereas nearer the poles you get very high fluctuations of temperatures from much hotter than normal to cold. These fluctuations of temperature make it harder than before to live in places like Siberia and Alaska and Canada as the permafrost melts. When you build something on permafrost it normally stays like that pretty much. But, if permafrost is melting it becomes often more like a bog and houses and buildings start listing or sinking into the melting bog. So, you almost have to have a boat like structure that can float on the bog at that point so it doesn't sink into the bog during some parts of the year. These types of changes as well as a storm from the U.S. going up to the north pole also caused the north pole to completely melt out one week in December this year too. That the north pole could melt out in December any year is also troubling as to the future of mankind as well at this point.
Regarding changes to the temperatures and the effects of humans on earth to temperature this is my most well read article of all time here at this site as well now as the most read article ever at this site:
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