Wednesday, May 18, 2016


"The Trick in life is to not be a victim or a bully" because "Whatever goes around comes around".

In other words "As ye sow so shall ye reap" and "Karma is real".

So, navigating power and not becoming the victim of it is a tough job for all of us. And the problem with being a victim of power is you will tend to victimize others which is a never ending sick situation worldwide. So, the real problem of becoming a victim is also becoming a bully and harming others smaller or less powerful financially than yourself.

So, if you understand this, you are ahead of the game already.

For me, with both parents being ministers who treated me well, becoming a bully wasn't in the cards for me. However, as children to some degree we all are victims depending upon how you look at it.

So, even though people are trained not to be bullies more now in the U.S. people I think are actually much worse victims than when I grew up.

The reason for this is kind of complex but "political correctness" makes us all victims in various different ways. So, when you try to force people not to be bullies in public school they pull out guns and just shoot each other eventually because not having "Pecking orders" in any mammalian group is completely unnatural. So, taking away pecking orders tends to create victimization and insanity in mammalian groups.

So, by trying to eliminate bullies completely you create victims of everyone when it is forced through political correctness.

Trying through political correctness to end pecking orders just creates such an unnatural order that it makes people crazy and makes them liars which harms society in the short and long run and will eventually cause all governments based upon Political correctness to collapse.

Because without enough reality and truth all governments tend to collapse and all social systems collapse and all businesses collapse and all religions collapse. IT's just a matter of time.

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