Saturday, November 26, 2016

Regarding the Incendiary last post

Only someone uneducated without a passport (which unfortunately is 75% of Americans) would write something like was written to California Muslims.

First of all, California is a Supermajority Democratic STate. So, people who feel this way in California are a really really small minority of white Nationalists. What I find strange is this is where we see this first and not in a state filled with white nationalists like you would find in the south East where this kind of rhetoric might be more normal.

What I think happened here is that this likely is happening all over the country but Muslims feel safer in California than most places and know most people in California want to protect Muslims freedom of religion. So, this is likely why it is coming up like this. Other places Muslims have more reason to be afraid than in California. California likely is the Most International State in the Union where it is more likely you will be accepted from literally any nation on earth more than others. Washington and Oregon are somewhat like this because we have had ships coming from other countries for several hundred years and people from foreign nations often settling in California, Oregon and Washington for several hundred years already. So, there is an acceptance and tolerance for international people here likely more than anywhere on earth.

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