Thursday, November 3, 2016

Why are there so many very angry Blue Collar White people Voting for Trump?

I was raised a blue collar Conservative Republican by my father. In college I first became a democrat and now I am an Idependent in my thinking and gravitate more towards Libertarian thoughts where people are free to succeed or fail or even die if they want to just as the founding fathers thought at that time.

In other words I believe in self discipline, self correction and if that doesn't happen people sometimes die.

However, I also believe there should be nets to catch people like Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment compensation, and even Obamacare (if the rates are low enough for people to survive them). You can't force people to pay really high rates they can't afford and then penalize them on their taxes when they can't afford that either because that doesn't make any sense.

So, I think I can speak to why so many white people who are blue collar are angry enough to vote for Trump and maybe this is the first time they ever voted.

1st reason: 40% of all jobs and all driving jobs are going to be gone in the next 25 years here in the U.S. and be taken over by computers and robots including all trucks and buses.

2nd reason: They are scared that their children cannot find the high paying jobs that they once had.
People over 50 with no catch nets financially are one of the highest suicide rates in the country along with returning veterans.

3rd. White people are becoming outnumbered by non-whites even though Hispanics I would say are white too. But, to many whites especially in midwestern states Hispanics might not be considered white and only different, especially by Blue Collar whites without passports.

4th: Some whites would prefer a white dictatorship rather than lose another election to a Democrat because of shrinking white numbers of Republicans.

There are many other reasons why blue collar "Panicked" white people are voting for Trump.

And yet, for educated Independents, like myself as well as Democrats we tend to see these people as panicking at at level not conducive to their economic or physical survival.

So, we worry about panicked white people, have sympathy for them, but also see them sort of like people in Turkey might look at a 100 people on a raft to Lesbos Captained by Trump.

In other words they might have only a 50 50 chance of even surviving the voyage to Lesbos Island.

So, many of us are worried about the very bad choices these Blue Collar people are making that might very well end their lives sometime within the next 4 years.

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