Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How do we financially Re-Empower the Middle Class?

Trump isn't going to do it with all the minimum wage type of jobs he is saving.

Only through organized Unions or something similar to this that hasn't been invented yet can you actually pull this off.

However, the death of Globalization through Trump also could be the spur that creates this new thing this new variation of Unions once again so middle Class educated people can increase their finances once again after it was destroyed so utterly by the Great Recession.

For example, the richest 10% who own 80% or more of all stocks in the U.S. have just tripled their investments since 2009 while the other 90% of folks who either never owned stocks or gave up stocks after being frightened during the Great Recession did not reap this reward of staying invested and tripling their earnings since 2009 when the market last crashed.

But, the people who stayed in benefited ever since until now today it hit 20,000 plus after hitting about 6900 during the last big crash.

So, how are we going to financially re-empower the middle Class?

My thought is that all those robotic devices that are all going to steal millions and possibly billions of jobs all over the planet permanently. What if something like Unions owned many of these robots and workers (owners) of the Union each had one or more robots to work in their place? By owning one or more robots each, couldn't workers (owners) still have finances coming in on into the future with this new Stock option Union? So, it is a way for people to still have money by owning (through unions together) what they couldn't afford to do as individuals.

This is my thought as one possible solution to the problem of starvation and potential revolutions worldwide as robots and computers literally take over all jobs in the future. If we let this happen most humans likely are going to die and won't be educated anymore. Why would governments educate people they are never going to hire?

If it doesn't happen this way to some degree you can bet there can only be revolutions and starvation when all the jobs are gone by 2100 that people have today.

So, how do people organize to stay alive and have some way to make money?

Unionizing or something  of a new but similar design based upon people joining together in a new but much more powerful middle class worldwide.

Because it will all start like now in all developed nations around the world only to be followed later in the richest parts of the 3rd world nation in the richest cities.

This is all coming. What will the world do?

If people don't organize for this the people will just starve and die and that's all.

After all, fighting robot armies is not a winning proposition.

Just ask people being killed by drones now.

There is no fighting back against robots really, especially when missiles come from the air unexpectedly from those drones worldwide.

This is a world wide phenomenon affecting all developed nations already progessively. This is a real coming problem we all must begin to face now.

What are YOU going to do?

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