Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Spontaneous Evolution

  1. In Spontaneous Evolution, this world-renowned expert in the emerging science of epigenetics reveals how our changing understanding of biology will help us navigate ...
  2. Spontaneous Evolution - Bruce Lipton

    Bruce Lipton is a world-renowned expert in the emerging science of Epigenetics. Learn more about Epigenetics in his book Spontaneous Evolution.
  3. Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get ...

    In Spontaneous Evolution, this world-renowned expert in the emerging science of epigenetics reveals how our changing understanding of biology will help us navigate ... 

    I haven't read this book yet but someone gave it to us for Christmas, likely one of our daughters or a friend.

    However, the words "Spontaneous Evolution" I really like because it is also my life's experience in all directions.

    And it comes from being open to life and not rejecting life. This is hard to do when you get all the slings and arrows of life shot into you to be brave enough to ask for more or to look for more. 

    But, in the end, you are either brave enough to embrace life or you spend your whole life running from life and are afraid. It is always a choice. So, embracing Life is sometimes called 
    "The Warrior's Stance" because of this.

    In some ways at times I have run from life too, into the country to get away from cities in my late 20s with my first and 2nd wives and my kids. But, eventually I realized there are just as many crazy people in the more remote places as there are in the urban areas of the world. They just tend to be crazy in different ways and in some ways in the same ways.

    So, eventually I left my remote life (10 miles from the nearest gas station or even powerline) back to a more suburban setting where now I live on the Northern California coast in a forest within a mile of the ocean. Though I really love the power and snow and magic of living in the forested mountains in Mt. Shasta near Oregon, I find I miss the Peace of the Pacific ocean if I stay away from it too long. After all my family has always lived within a few miles to at most 100 miles away from the Pacific Ocean since the early 1900s in California, Oregon or Washington all that time.

    But, Spontaneous Evolution is what we all do given the spontaneous reaction to all our surroundings. And if we are successful we grow up and teach Spontaneous Evolution to all our children too so they learn how to have fun surviving here on earth too instead of just self destructing between 12 and 30.

    By God's Grace

    In other words you really have no idea at all what you are capable of until you have no other choice than to deal with whatever comes up in your life.

    I personally have been amazed more than once at my short and long term response to things I had no control over that happened to me.

    What I discovered is that I'm a good person for both myself and others in an emergency. IN some ways in emergencies I'm at my best.

    Because I am a consummate survivor.

    By God's Grace

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