Friday, February 3, 2017

A Modified Time Line we now live on

Time is not what most people think it is. Most people think history is 'set in stone' but this is not true. It ONLY appears to be true but is not really.

If you look at our time line it stayed pretty normal up until 9-11-01 when it changed to where most people left alive on earth were at an evolution about like wolves because of exposure to too much radiation. It wasn't until around 7000AD in Switzerland and Italy in the Alps that a technological civilization arose on earth once again with somewhat different technology like we have now.

That civilization was given the use of Time Travel by the Galactic Government and they were given permission by the Galactic Government to prevent the nuclear annihilation of of earth on a new timeline. This somehow dovetails into my soul traveling to the galactic Core around 1970 when I asked the present leader of the Galaxy who I call the Galactic Sentience who said he was my grandson and that I here on earth as Fred (or Jonathan) which is the name I use as my alter ego. However, at the time this didn't make a whole lot of sense to me as a 21 or 22 year old at the time. However, now I have had almost 50 years since then to get used to the idea so it isn't as alien to me as it once was.

So, the Galactic Sentience (my grandson?) said he would prevent the extinction of life on earth as long as I was alive in a human body here on earth. So, it behooves me to live a very long time on behalf of human beings here evolving on earth and eventually on other planets and dimensions in the future.

So, I was approached both before and after I met with the Galactic Sentience near the Black Hole in the center of the Galaxy By Elohar and Ragna and by Saint Germain to work with them to prevent the problem that had already occurred on 9-11-01.

So, I was working with them to prevent another 9-11-01 from around 1969 until 2001 and after.

However, now the problem on this modified timeline (which is like a little tree that grew two tops (each top is a different timeline). This gives the human race more opportunities for survival by now having two timelines by the way.

However, now we are dealing with the Trump. And as an intuitive and precognitive psychic Saint Germain came to me the night before the election and said to me, "The election isn't going to turn out the way you expect." So, I had a heads up from him regarding all this.

Then since the election I have been sick a lot realizing the millions of deaths worldwide that are coming from Trump being president.

However, there is another side to all this. The other side is because Trump is now president so many people die worldwide it prevents the extinction of the human race this century. Otherwise, we would have gone extinct between 2080 and 2090 as a race here on earth.

The cause of our demise would have been (OVerpopulation, genocide, leading to nuclear annihilation and wars which ended planet earth.

Somehow I am realizing Trump prevents this outcome by murdering or causing the deaths of so many many people on earth that this does not happen.

This in turn buys human beings more time to try to figure out how not to go extinct.

When I look at the world in a pragmatic way I see China actually had the right idea regarding this by limiting births to one child per family from the 1970s until the present when again they are allowing 2 children per family.

Even though this caused incredible social problems and there are not enough people to take care of the elderly now in China which is why they are now allowing two children per family once again.

However, if you pragmatically explore why China is as wealthy as it is you can look ONLY to the one child policy from the 1970s.

However, then if you look at the middle East (where there is NO birth control of any consequence) you see the opposite problem in action which has caused ISIS and refugees without limit. So, in China you see something that worked and then you see no birth control in the middle East creating havoc and Trump and Brexit and all the rest of the white populist movements worldwide.

So, no birth control in the Middle East Caused Trump and Brexit directly.

And this is causing the genocide in the middle East and this only can get much worse (until birth control is instituted in the Middle East as draconian as the birth control was in China.

This is reality. And Europe is being decimated by this problem which can only get much much worse now.

So, Leaders like Trump are going to reduce world populations in a very insane mad way. But, this is how the human race will prevent extinction this century.

So, this is the paradox we are presently living with here on earth.

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