Tuesday, February 21, 2017

We ALL are Planet Savers

This might be important to realize for each one of us. Everything we think, say or do can help save the planet and the human race as well as all forms of life presently on the planet. This might be the most important thing for you to know as a human being at this time.

From a purely physics point of view, the Earth is not even really a physical thing. It resembles more like a Television Station or a radio station or a nexus point where many states of consciousness interface.

So, in some ways thinking of the earth as a potential or real Heaven realm, especially in places like the United States where there is less chance you will be murdered or starve to death or be poisoned by bad food or not be rescued in a Tornado or Hurricane or bad storm or flooding because we actually have police and firemen and first responders that are likely to save your life if it is possible. So, the U.S. can be almost like heaven to live in for those of us here, even though Europe is pretty good this way too.

So, if you are educated and balanced enough to survive here, life can be almost or even exactly like heaven at least part of your lives.

But, there is also "Nobles Oblige", which is a French term which basically means "The obligation of those more fortunate to help those less fortunate" or Nobles should help those less fortunate because others are starving and need help to survive.

So, what is a Noble in today's world?

It is someone educated with the means to help others.

So, then it is a matter of "Right mindful Compassion" which basically means: "How can I most practically help my fellow man and all life around me?"

Answering this question for each of us makes us each a Planet Saver.

Because in the end the Life you SAVE may be your own!
 By God's Grace

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