Saturday, March 25, 2017

Wikipedia: Google Translate: Supported languages and languages in development

Recently I was watching how English went to French and back to English and I think now this is much better than 70% accuracy of a few years ago. Refinements are bound to happen along the way just like with "Enhanced Dictation" now available on my Macbook pro. I got the 2015 and 2016 model because my daughter realized all the bells and whistles on the 2017 model I wouldn't use or be interested in. I tend to try to learn as little as possible about each new technological generation of computers and smartphones and tablets simply because within 6 months or a year the technology will radically change again and I will have to learn something new in a new generation of technology. I haven't kept count but I likely have lived now through about 20 to 25 generations of computer technology since I first learned to program in COBOL and FORTRAN back in 1966 when I graduated High School in May and went to college in the Fall. I remember writing programs  and then because of Batch sorting having to put my program into the computer by creating key punch cards back then into the CPU on a key punch machine which was a keyboard attached to a card punch machine. There wasn't the direct access as much as there is now. There was no Random access which then would have cost millions or even billions of dollars more and was considered a wasteful way of thinking because to have random access you likely would have had to have had several warehouses of memory for each computer then because micro-miniaturization hadn't happened yet that much yet in 1966 except on spacecraft for astronauts and regular people like me didn't have access to any of that top secret stuff yet until it was allowed to be sold to the general public eventually.

begin quote from:
Supported languages

Supported languages

The following languages are supported in Google Translate.[27]

Languages in development

These languages are not yet supported by Google Translate, but are available in the Translate Community.[28]

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