Sunday, November 26, 2017

Terrorism is a direct response to starvation and child abuse caused by starvation worldwide

We often mistakenly in the western world want to see everything through political or religious eyes.
However, often this is not the basic problem but only a secondary one.

Whereas the basic problem is starvation caused by global warming which also tends to cause child abuse especially as whatever food there is is given to the man to farm or make money and often the children starve or semi starve unless they run out and steal enough food so they don't die around them somehow.

So, ONLY seeing things through a political or religious lens is very short sighted, especially by Americans and Europeans who usually are the most guilty of doing this type of thinking. Nations who have more recently experienced starvation like Russia and China likely have less problems in being so cavalier in their thoughts.

But, in places like America, Canada and to a lesser degree Europe do have a problem because of not having as many problems getting food always as other countries have had as seeing life in only political and religious terms and not actually where the "Rubber meets the road" in reality.

So, until people start realizing terrorism is primarily about starvation and child abuse and not as much about religion or politics terrorism is going to continue to be a very expensive problem all over the earth.

And because overpopulation creates naturally global warming which creates naturally starvation, child abuse, and terrorism this is something we will be living with for at least several hundred years especially because large wars cannot cause depopulation quick enough because of nuclear weapons.

So, nuclear weapons prevent quick depopulation.
medical science prevents plagues and pestlence.
And people are living longer especially in the developed world all over the world.

So, overpopulation is going to continue to be a problem which creates worse global warming and global climate change which creates more starvation and terrorism as a direct result.

So, the world needs to see the primary cause of terrorism has nothing really to do with politics or religion but primarily overpopulation causing global warming causing child abuse and starvation causing terrorism worldwide.

The more starving kids with PTSD from abuse the more terrorists you are going to have in the future.

It's a formula for world disaster we are in the middle of right now worldwide.

If you see the causes maybe solutions to this problem might be found to prevent human extinction this century or the next.

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