And then you have people like Trump who don't believe in this.
But, for now, your kindness towards yourself helps you live longer.
When you practice kindness towards yourself, you eat better food, you find ways to have fun exercising, you live in beautiful places instead of places that make you sick or drive you insane.
When you practice Kindness towards yourselves, you also tend to be kinder to others as well.
When you hate yourselves often you will hate others to the point where you have to shoot them which also causes your deaths as well.
So, use your intelligence. Work for your best interests and this will tend to help you to work towards others best interests as well.
Your nobility in this kindness will become obvious to others more and more.
As your kindness increases a higher and higher quality of people will come into your lives that are kind to themselves and each other too.
So, you will find people who are self destructive or harmful to others (often these kinds of people are both) will start slipping away from your lives either because you will move to another place and not tell harmful people where you are or they will just be upset that you are being kind and they might need to go die by other unkind people or kill themselves.
So, you become kinder, more people who are good and kind want to be around you, your life gets better and often the very unkind and cruel people you will find die much younger than you do along the way.
So, kindness pays, and cruelty kills. This is generally true (more or less) for everyone.
If you are kind to others often others will repay your kindnesses with other kindnesses.
If you are cruel to others just expect those people to grow up and beat you up and maybe kill you one day too.
So, kindness is in your long term best interests. It is in your best enlightened survival interests in every single way.
There is a time to defend yourselves and there is a time to run and there is a time to move away and not tell anyone you are moving and not tell them where you are moving to.
There is a time for everything in life.
Because if you don't survive what is going on now in your life, what's the point?
By God's Grace
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