Sunday, May 20, 2018

There are going to be more and more and more shootings in Schools and Colleges and businesses from now on


The first cause is overpopulation.
The 2nd cause is not living according to natural law.

What I mean by that is when grievances of people are not addressed (or not allowed to be addressed) in any other way then shootings are going to occur.

It has nothing at all to do with guns by the way, it could just as easily be with crossbows, bombs or knives. Guns are just what's available to people in the U.S.

If you look at the insanity of our president, you also see the insanity relfected in our students killing each other.

As a country we are completely out of balance psychologically in every single way.

We have moved too far from our roots of stability we had still in the 1950s.

The 1950s were the last time group sanity existed in the U.S. in regard to mass killings and mass killers.

What has caused the mass killing of today?

Part of it is drugs like ritalin and mood altering drugs like Prosac
Image result for mood altering drugs
Many psychoactive substances are used for their mood and perception altering effects, including those with accepted uses in medicine and psychiatry. Examples ofpsychoactive substances include caffeine, alcohol, cocaine, LSD, and cannabis.

Psychoactive drug - Wikipedia

People also ask

Mood Altering Drugs: Pros And Cons | Spontaneous Happiness › Blog › Spontaneous Happiness
Mood Altering Drugs: Recreational Drugs. Most drugs that people use to change their moods, perceptions, and thoughts are either depressants or stimulants. Barbiturates (Seconal, Nembutal, “reds”), quaaludes, and opiates all depress brain function, while cocaine, methamphetamine, and ephedrine stimulate it.

For example, All mood aterling drugs alter the wiring in a human brain significantly to the point where I'm not even sure I would call such a person after being on a mood altering drug entirely human from a traditional point of view.

Then you have all kinds of shots people get as children that keep billions alive on the planet but at a much lower immune rate than the ones who survived in the 1800s and before.

Then you have food additives like MSG which alter behavior significantly too. Then you have sugar which causes problems in people especially GMO corn syrup. 

So, all these chemicals and others are significantly altering the behavior of humans away from who they were on more healthy down to earth diets of the 1950s and before.

Then you have Television and Video games altering the way people perceive reality and you have various means that people have not to connect with nature like they used to.

For example, I can say to you that trees for example are better for calming people down than any drug including alcohol or even marijuana. Also, marijuana is a psychoactive drug that  continues to affect human behavior for 6 months after it is smoked or consumed orally.

All these things and more are why humans will continue to shoot each other or blow each other up or crossbow each other or knife each other here in the U.S. ongoing as long as we use these substances like we are now.

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