Friday, September 28, 2018

Why Airborne Military Drones are a problem (with artificial intelligence)

I think you have to go no further than Hiroshima and Nagasaki being nuked to see the problem I foresee here (especially regarding artificial intelligence being autonomous in nuclear armed  Air drones).

The problem becomes not mankind but the possibility that ONE deranged individual (at any point) arms artificially intelligent drones with nuclear weapons and sends them below radar level out to destroy millions of people in maybe thousands of different places at once. Or a drone which has extreme defenses like a force field shield that nothing can penetrate goes on a century long killing spree wiping out most of mankind on a daily basis worldwide. So, it recharges in the sun (wherever there is sun) and then at night silently wipes mankind from the face of the earth over a century of time.

Now, you might say "Oh! This can never happen!" However, if you ever were a programmer like me you wouldn't be as certain as you are now.

The potential for exactly what I'm saying here is there. And if you think something else you are very very very naive sort of like a child. In other words you don't understand the potential for artificial intelligence combined with military technology yet.

If you study enough you will be in exactly the same place I am if you are pragmatic and logical about it enough.

Nuclear armed Artificially intelligent air drones is only one of thousands of ways the human race might go extinct this century or during the next 1000 years time. The more people understand this hopefully the less likely human extinction will actually happen at any point in time.

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