Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Why is the whole universe inside of God's Mind?

I cannot explain why this is true I only know from direct experience that it is true. Therefore, imagine you are God and your thoughts are the universe. So, this might be a good way to understand this. So, the universe and we are no more real than your own thoughts (if you were God). However, God likely has something to say about this too.

Why do I experience this is true?

Because as I soul traveled the Galaxy and beyond I realized I was already there wherever I went. I found it didn't really take energy to get anywhere because I was already everywhere. This explained to me the nature of the universe in that I am inside the mind of God and so are you and so is everything and everyone else. So, none of this exists in a physical state and neither to we. We all exist as thoughts in the mind of God as well as everything else too.

Understanding this in a way is very freeing because it also explains to me why Tibetan Buddhists see things as being real and unreal at the same time. So, is a thought in your head real? It becomes real when you take the plan in your head for your next house and then you build it like you had thought of doing in your mind.

So, if you create a plan and then execute that plan in a sense you are doing the same thing God does with us and the universe every day. You emulate God when you create a plan and then do it.

By God's Grace

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