Monday, October 28, 2019

If you can run energy so you don't make babies cry then you can live with angels here on earth

This might sound like a strange statement but it is also true. Do babies cry when you come into a room because you are afraid or upset or angry? Then you cannot really live with angels either. It's not that I don't get upset and angry, it's just that I don't stay that way all the time like many people do which tends to shorten people's lives a lot. Why?

Because living with angels saves your life and increases your health and your lifespan. One of the reasons why I live with angels is that I listen to them all the time. Since angels don't live in time and space the way we do as humans they live in the past, present and future a lot and so can sort of tell you what is going to happen next.

For example, you might have no idea what is going to happen next in your lives and the next second according to your actions you might get hit by a bus and die. But, if you are listening to angels they might say: "Step back three paces!" And you might think why? But, you do it and the bus goes by that would have killed you. This is why it is worth cultivating angels in your lives unless you want to die soon or just be tortured by life every single day.

Cultivating angels in your life is a way to live in heaven here on earth most of the time by the way.

By God's Grace

Note: Sometimes babies cry because they are getting sick or need their diaper changed or need something to eat. This is different than what I'm talking about here. IF a baby is completely okay and then you walk into the room and it cries because you are scaring it then you need to change the way you are running your energy so the baby can feel secure and loved. And when you do this the angels that surround babies will help you as well as the babies they take care of.

It's about kindness towards yourselves and others all the time more than anything else that draws angels into your lives.

by God's Grace

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