Sunday, March 1, 2020


My wife has been talking to health care professionals and they were saying that there are many many suspected cases of Coronavirus throughout southern California. I think a basic rule is that if you see one case in the hospital of coronavirus there likely are 50 more with it and maybe 100 more who are carriers that will never get it because their immune systems are strong. This likely is a realistic assessment right now. So, if there is even 1 case of coronavirus near you in a hospital that likely means there are at least 50 to 100 people either with it or carrying it in the same region. And if they are young and active they might transmit this to 1000 people in one weekend (like the one we just went through this last weekend.

Because only a very small percentage of people need to be hospitalized with it whereas most people don't even get it and just become carriers so that everything they touch like door handles, sink handles, guard rails for hanging on etc. might infect you if you aren't either wearing gloves or rubber gloves or whatever.

So, the best way not to get this is to retreat into your homes and not physically visit with a lot of people the next few months.

Because the most likely people to be hospitalized are over 60 years old at this point or who have compromised immune systems or other health problems especially respiratory system ailments like Asthma or bronchitis or pneumonia or allergies.

Convalescent homes like the one in King County in Washington likely will see a lot of people with more advanced cases of coronavirus because convalescent homes are sort of like Cruise Ships in that if one person gets infected they all might get infected too because of shared ventilation systems, the same people cook the food for everyone etc.

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