Thursday, May 28, 2020

Unless there is a vaccine before a year from now I fully expect between 1 to 3 million Americans to have died from Coronavirus by then

I'm speaking as an intuitive. This is so much worse than most people can even imagine at this point. The number of deaths nationwide will be 10 to 30 times what they are now depending upon how people act nationwide (if the vaccine doesn't arrive soon) and even then it has to be safe before most people will get the vaccine too.

So, when I look down timelines I see a couple of things. First, people are pretty crazy already from sheltering in place with 1/2 of the people without jobs already. This factors into the equation where if there is no vaccine by this time next year we are likely to see 1 to 3 million people dead.

Now remember, being presently at 100,000 people dead the actual number is closer to 300,000 dead because of the ones not counted. So, likewise when I say 1 to 3 million people I'm including the ones not counted because they weren't tested. Remember, older people are often dead within 24 hours from this virus without any doctors or hospitals or tests. They often just die in their beds or on their couches or in their bathrooms or even on the streets if they are homeless without a test or a doctor or any treatment whatsoever.

So, to lose 1 million the count would be 300,000 to 400,000 tested. To lose 3 million the count would be 1 million tested by a year from now here in the U.S.

Without a good vaccine many governments around the world might be gone or no longer able to maintain order by then by the way. The U.S. hopefully will still be a democracy by then also.

If you get a chance read "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu of ancient China. What is presently happening worldwide is covered in there regarding how to win a war without ever fighting your foe.

I presently see this as a Business war to spread their nationwide corporation and communist philosophy worldwide in this effort to kill and weaken all nations on earth. People are going to be dying in China and around the world for about 5 years I figure as of now. In the U.S. people will be dying for 2 to 3 years because they got the virus as one of the earlier countries to get it bad, sort of like Europe did too.

The later a country had many people dying the longer they are going to die there. The longer it takes to spread to some areas on earth the longer they will be dying too.

But, all this changes with a good vaccine. So, a vaccine can change this before governments start falling all over that are 3rd world governments. The first governments to fall will be dictatorships in this, logically speaking that is.

However, a virus isn't logical at all, it is entirely opportunistic without morals or compassion of any kind sort of like a wild animal ravaging everywhere that cannot be shot or blown up or even tracked that easily.

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