Sunday, August 2, 2020

why does living in denial kill so many people through coronavirus?

I was thinking about this while I was waking up this morning about how people start living in denial in their lives because living in denial simply means you are lying to yourself and when you lie to yourself you simply cannot help lying to others too.

On one level it is a survival strategy. For example, because you have been abused in your life, for example, like Trump was severely by his father, you don't believe in God at all. So, you lie about believing in God because you cannot believe in God because "Why would God give you a father like he did if there was a God?"

So, this is where your lies begin. Then because you don't believe in a God you don't believe in consequences to ANY of your actions. So, you lie to people about believing in God because lying is how you survive. Can anyone trust you? No. No one can trust you because you don't trust yourself, you don't believe in God or anything else. You don't believe even in kindness towards yourself or others.

A person with this deep seated a lying problem often has a personality disorder from trauma like Trump has. He has the same personality disorder that Hitler had which was Narcissistic Personality disorder.

The other problem with a personality disorder is that you cannot be helped or treated in any way for it because you are always right. You cannot be wrong about anything no matter how ridiculous your position is.

So, you sort of see yourself as God in that you can never be wrong about anything. So, you won't put up with any people around you who disagree with you, no matter how ridiculous what you believe in is.

These are the types of people who surround Trump or believe in Trump that are dying of coronavirus nationwide and worldwide now.

I was realizing that here in the U.S. we might lose 10,000 people a day sometimes between November and April and I was also realizing that other places in the world could lose 50,000 to 100,000 people a day to coronavirus as well during November to April of 2020 and 2021.

And at present I don't see anything to stop this realistically, which is a difficult thing to carry as an intuitive. So, if you are an intuitive like I am then I suggest you pray because you haven't seen anything yet this year compared to what appears to be coming starting this fall in the northern Hemisphere.

Basically, if you lie to yourself you cannot protect yourself from coronavirus. Because lying to yourself about coronavirus is basically the same as dying from coronavirus in these times we live in.

If you lie to yourself about coronavirus you are likely to die from it within the next 5 to 10 years time wherever you live worldwide. It's only about probabilities at this point and that's all. What is the probability you will get coronavirus on any given day given you are lying to yourself about it every day?

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