Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Believing in God or a Higher Power will help you deal with the stresses of a World Gone Mad


Psychologically I would say it's because we need good parents to rely on as children and that doesn't really change as adults. Otherwise, we literally worry ourselves into death and insanity during bad times whether that might be health problems (like the world in pandemic) or wars (like the one Putin appears to have started) with the new Cyber and virus Pearl Harbor he has created.

So, believing in God or Buddha or the God of Nature or however you want to do it might give you enough comfort during these times not to just lose it and go completely insane.

I find I have to constantly when I'm awake or even when I'm asleep invoke prayers to make it through all this myself and to keep calming myself and believing things will turn out well for myself and my family.

I really don't know where I would be if I couldn't do this now. People are dying or getting coronavirus that I know pretty regularly now. But, so far no one in my family or extended family but we have lost one of our friends who traveled to Mexico and now her boyfriend in the states has tested positive (but that could be a fluke and incorrect too) we hope.

But, what I'm saying here is literally: "There are no atheists in foxholes" and if you don't know what a foxhole is it is a hole soldiers dig in the dirt so they aren't shot because the dirt absorbs the bullets or bombs more when you are down into it. So, likewise, we are all in our foxholes now and being an atheist right now is sort of suicidal for the present and future.

What makes a good atheist? Technology and education.

All that is completely meaningless right now because all we have is pure survival and that's all.

So, "There are no atheists in foxholes" simply because they would jump out of their foxholes and run screaming through the cannon fire and machine gun bullets hitting them and be dead!  

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