Monday, February 22, 2021

Just a few good decisions in life can make a wonderful Life

 My daughter looked at me late last night and said something like: "You really had a good life despite being raised in a cult."

It got me to thinking about this and it took me to where I realized exactly what decisions had made my life wonderful.

Despite my parents being in a cult they were both very good and upstanding people. They didn't drink or smoke at all. They were ministers of a church in Los Angeles from the time I was 6 to 12 years old and still were part time ministers after my mother's father passed on but that was hard on her to lose her father.

So, as an adult what decisions did I make to make my life wonderful?

First decision: "To stand by my children no matter what happened in my life!"

This decision kept me from taking too many physical risks in life and dying before my time which was a good thing both for me and my children.

2nd Decision: Didn't really happen until my mid 40s. I remarried a lady with 3 degrees including a master's degree in Business. This decision along with standing by my kids no matter what made my life wonderful for the last 27 years we have been together now.

So, as you can see there were really only two decisions at core that made my life wonderful other than choosing not to die during my early 20s that made my life eventually wonderful.

3rd Decision early on would be that I decided to live by kindness to others and kindness towards myself instead of cruelty and being a power tripper. I saw early on that being cruel and a power tripper led nowhere at all. I also saw that religions and churches led nowhere at all except death for me too.

However, this has nothing at all to do with my relationship with God and angels which is a constant thing for me.

From my point of view Religions and churches have less than nothing to do with God or angels.

Religions are completely a way to make money for some people who run churches and that's all.

IF you get sucked into churches or religions you might as well be on drugs because "Religions are only the opiate of the people".

Are there people who couldn't survive without religions? Of Course. But, for me personally religions only bring death and insanity to people generally speaking.

Are there many good things to be learned from studying religions. YES!

But, studying comparative religion is not about joining a church or cult. It's a completely different thing.

So, can you live in heaven here on earth? Yes. Pretty much. But, you have to work at it to create your heaven here on earth for the time you are living here with angels.

By God's Grace

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