Tuesday, May 25, 2021

In the future if you are young now you might see these Coronavirus times hard to write about for younger people than yourself:

much like I find it hard to effectively write about what life was like in California in the 1960s and 1970s.

Like now the times were very strange indeed. Another strange time was the Great Depression and World War II and another strange time was 2000 until now.

There's a whole lot of change and people doing and saying remarkably insane things and some dying because of it and others surviving saying and doing really crazy things. 

This last sentence sort of describes these insane eras full of change. So, it's sort of like anything you write about these kinds of eras is a paradox in itself.

You might want to simplify it for people but usually things were crazy and complex and not usually reducible to a cliche which makes it hard to describe effectively.

For example, What was wrong with Baby Boomers in their philosophies in a cliche?

"They Threw out the Baby with the bathwater." 

But, this above cliche isn't only for the 1960s and 1970s you could also apply this same cliche to Trump supporters who are willing to give up Democracy itself just to have Trump and his lies in power in a cult of personality worship similar to Adolf Hitler's.

So, I can also say about Trump supporters:

"They threw out Democracy with the Bathwater because of Trump's lies."

Will our nation survive this kind of insanity?

This is still unknown at present.

What do I mean that the 1960s and 1970s people threw out the baby with the bathwater.


In our quest for freedom from the craziness of World war II and the Victorian Era that preceded us we gave up marriage for free love and sex for awhile. However, the marriage thing has kind of stuck where many people have children without getting married.

This means that legally children are not as well protected from the world when they are young and vulnerable like they tended to be more in the past before the 1960s and 1970s.

So, even though we might have prevented Nuclear Holocaust and the end of earth itself so far at least my generation made mistakes too.

And one of these mistakes was to "Throw out the baby with the bathwater".

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