Wednesday, December 29, 2021

the multiple realities of being a real intuitive

You and I both likely have met people who speak many languages. For example, my son in law from Europe speaks German, English, French, Italian and Spanish. This is more normal for people from European countries than here in the U.S.

I speak English and French and a little Spanish from living in California where many people speak Spanish in addition to English.

I think the best way to look at being an intuitive is it's like speaking many languages.

For me, in addition to English and French I can speak Tree and nature and animals and bushes and flowers and Rain and Snow and Sun and Stars and Galaxies.

Yes. Speaking all these languages is a skill that grows with time and practice. But, what it does is it gives you many languages that you understand.

So, when problems arise it might be a group of trees that is telling me something in conjunction with the wind. It might be a way that I have found to communicate with mother earth that she tells me what to do to survive any given situation. It might be I look up into the clouds and see angels there and feel them there one day. So, being able to speak many different languages and be telepathic and hear God Whispering to you of what to do next through his angels changes ones life completely which is different than many or most people.

So, when I need to survive something angels might come to me and tell me what to avoid by not going to a certain place right now. They might say, "No. You can't think about that right now because we need you to pray for this person or to drive by a certain person's home and by the way take all your angels with you so these people don't self destruct today.

So, mostly for me it is working with the angels to help people stay healthy and sane and alive here on earth and I also help animals and trees and birds and other plant life on the planet because humans are interdependent with all of them to stay alive too. The more species that go extinct because of humans the more pandemics and plagues will be wiping humans out this century.

So, the more we help each other and all life on earth survive the longer humans will survive too without all dying.

By God's Grace 

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