Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Writing: I have always chosen content of what I write over editing. Some people choose different things to emphasize

 If you get paid for writing you have to emphasize everything, Content, Context, spelling editing, relevance etc.

But, I have never really tried to get paid for writing so my style is very different from those who are writing for money.

Writing for me is a little for me like when I started playing music in Church when I was 12 years old. Though this was a wonderful experience along with starting to sing in the church choir at age 12 as well, as my mother was an incredible coloratura soprano who could sing so well even at 2 I would cry in amazement when she sang along with Mario Lanza. She could sing along with him singing "Be My Love" and "I'll Walk with God" and bring tears to anyone's eyes then in 1950 and 1951.

"here is my question to Google. "When was mario lanza's "Be my love" released on a record?"

Lanza's 1950 recording of the song (released by RCA Victor Records as catalog number 10-1561) was his first million-seller, eventually selling over two million copies.
Be My Love.
"Be My Love"
Single by Mario Lanza
RecordedJune 27, 1950
2 more rows
So, in 1950 I turned 2 about 1/2 way through the year or so. So, at age 2 I used to listen to my mother sing at home with her amazing voice along with Mario Lanza. My mother's voice was incredible.
And through heredity I also inherited a pretty good baritone voice myself so I sang bass even at age 12 because I grew from 5 foot 2 to 5 foot 10 that year then in 1960.

So, there is this connection I have to writing which began with playing music first on piano and taking lessons from age 8 to age 16 and playing violin from age 9 in public school orchestras from 9 to about age 14 when I realized my hands were too big to play the violin effectively unless a violin had frets like a guitar or mandolin or something like that. Without frets you need smaller hands to hit the notes right without going flat or sharp when you hit them if you have larger hands. Because by age 15 I was 6 foot 3 inches tall with hands thickened by working as an electrician with my father summers and weekends already. So, I gave up the violin because I couldn't play very well being as big handed (and big footed) haha as I had naturally become. (By 21 I was 6 feet 4 1/2) or as my wife like's to say "He's 6 foot 5!" But, if I wear boots I'm also at least 6 foot 6 too. So, when I traveled in Asia where people are generally about 5 feet tall to maybe 5 foot 8 or really tall is about 5 foot 10 usually, I often heard myself referred to as "A Giant" in whatever local languages people spoke in. So, for them "A White Giant" was sort of terrifying especially for less educated people out in the country everywhere then around 1985 and 1986.

So, what I'm saying here mostly is that I sort of moved into writing as an adult slowly through playing music and singing and then writing lyrics from age 16 or 18 on piano and organ and guitar which I started teaching myself by age 16 or 18 and I also taught myself flute playing as well. I wanted instruments I could play around the campfire while camping with friends and girlfriends then in places like Yosemite National Park and Mt. Shasta in the wilderness areas there as well.

So, writing started flowering through me through music and lyrics and from lyrics started evolving into writing down things in life to try to understand better what was going on in my life in relationships or the world. If you can write down what is upsetting your or moving you in your life in any way, you can also figure out usually over time how to move forward in better and better ways in your life too.

So, music and lyrics and writing poetry and prose became a part of the way I found to actually psychologically and emotionally survive my life and make better decisions ongoing. And so my children and I really benefitted a lot along the way from this ongoing process of trying to figure everything out and how to create a better life for myself and my children at each and every point.

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