Saturday, April 2, 2022

Consciousness Creates Reality

 Some of you might say: "What?"

But, again I should repeat this statement simply because it is one of the most powerful statements regarding human beings I have ever encountered.


Why is this true?

In some ways I cannot answer this question properly other than to tell you this is true.

Here is the easiest way I can explain why it is true:

Imagine you have two arms and two hands attached and as a baby someone ties your hands behind your back and doesn't tell you that you have hands or arms. And because they are tied behind your back you cannot use them either ever.

If you never realized that you had two arms and two hands you wouldn't miss them likely because everyone else as a baby had their arms and hands tied behind their backs too.

When I look around me this is what I kind of see most people are like with their metaphorical hands and arms tied behind their backs.

My hands and arms were never tied behind my back so I notice that most people are afraid to use their metaphorical hands and arms.

So, what are we talking about here?

We are talking about our awarenesses beyond the 5 senses. So, when you are aware of some or all of your senses beyond the normal 5 almost anything can or will be possible for you to do in life.

So, for those of you capable of understanding this fully:

Consciousness Creates Reality.

So, create a world you can enjoy living in because mostly others won't do it for you.

If you don't create a world you can stand to live in you won't be around very long likely either.

This is just reality the way it really is.

Then if we combine Compassion for all beings (including oneself) 24 hours a day we really have something that benefits not only us but all beings in the entire universe in the past, present and future.

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