Monday, April 25, 2022

The news of the last 2 years on earth has torn the human race apart in many ways

 I found recently studying the news that it was tearing me apart and I had to step back from it because it had become so onerous.

My parents taught me that: "What you put your attention upon you become".

So, even though I have approached the worldwide news as: "If you don't solve your problems when they are molehills they become mountains and then you do not survive". However,  there is a limit to this kind of thinking.

A friend of mine will often say: "This isn't happening to me so I need to solve my everyday problems instead of dealing with the news".

This didn't mean he doesn't listen to the news just that if he didn't solve his daily problems and live his life that his life wouldn't continue.

So, periodically, like now, I find the need to step back from the news simply because there is only so much I can do in all these situations to make them better. One way I have found is to point out to people what the real problems are. Because I have a lot of insight about these things after studying them all my life worldwide.

It is very obvious to me that the problems Russia is having and has had has more to do with a kind of institutionalized ignorance more than anything else. 

I remember watching a World War II movie about Stalingrad I think about how Russian officers were throwing their troops on a German Machine gun nest and if the troops retreated from that machine gun nest that the Russian officers shot them themselves.

I remember how insane I thought this was for officers to be shooting their men and just throwing them onto the machine gun nest by the hundreds thinking that was a good idea!

This same lack of logic has been used in the war against Ukraine as well and has killed thousands of Russian Troops in the course of all of this.

So, we see the Russian people as victims and the Ukrainian people as victims here equally.

How does the world help end this kind of ignorance and counterproductive behavior?

At best it is suicidal for the masses of Russian people as their sons die for no real reason. But, it is more a type of behavior one would see in the Mafiya or Mafias of the world too where people are dying en masse for no good reason.

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