Sunday, October 23, 2022

Authoritarianism is a desperate attempt to try to prevent governmental collapse around the world during Global Climate changes

If you start to study the effects of Global climate change worldwide you begin to see what is actually happening more. No matter what country people are in global climate change is causing millions to billions of dollars in damage of various kinds.

Whether it is crop losses from too much or too little rain or just complete drought like in the western U.S. or whether it is too much rain and flooding as we have seen around the world more and more lately it is affecting everyone just in different ways.

So, it's logical to me why some people in order to create a more stable life for themselves at the complete expense of poorer people everywhere are choosing to be selfish enough to allow most people to starve to death in Authoritarian countries and to hide pertinent information from people in that country that they need to survive.

So, whether it is reported or not the general ignorance created by authoritarian regimes will tend to kill more and more people every day worldwide just from the general lack of enough useful information to actually survive.

Even here in the U.S. Trump and his followers are a part of this authoritarianism that you see mostly among richer white folks who are racist and wish all other races but white people to die.

So, basically I would say that authoritarianism as it presently manifests itself here on earth will tend to kill off about 50% of the human race by 2050.

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