Saturday, September 16, 2023

The main problem of thinking like Disney Films

The first problem is that you tend to think that "There is ONLY one person for you".

So, if your first love doesn't work out  you might kill yourself simply because of those Disney films thinking the first real love is supposed to be it. (the end all be all relationship for your whole life).

However, that mostly doesn't happen except for maybe 1% or 5% of people. 

So, if you expect your first relationship to work out mostly you will be very sad if not around anymore.

So, Thanks Disney films where it's always the first one that works out.

Over time, after a few broken hearts I began to realize that there isn't just one person for you but there might be 100 people that you meet that would be just as good.

I started to discover this when I was confused about loving more than one person at the same time. I thought this wasn't supposed to happen and this confused me a lot because I had believed sort of the Disney movies but I likely wouldn't have admitted it at the time. But, you know how infectious Disney films can be like Snow White and Cinderella etc. The just crawl deep down into your psyche as a child and do things which can really mess you up as an adult.

However, then there is the problem of being handsome like I was or pretty if you are a girl or think that way where many people are attracted to you often for often the wrong reasons. That's not to say sex isn't also like Winston Churchill says "Sex can be really great but even if it's bad it's still pretty good!" (this is likely a statement for a man but I'm not sure all women would agree with Winston Churchill about this.)

But, if you are with someone only for sex it cannot really go anywhere useful long term other than sex. So, choosing someone you trust that is your friend and who has your back is very very very important in the long haul of any relationship you are in if you want to survive that relationship.

So, to summarize, Disney infected many of us in my generation with it's sort of Victorian morals (maybe that's the best way to say it).

And if you study the Victorian Era it like all eras has it's good and bad points.

For example, my generation even though we prevented Nuclear holocaust (as a generation) by making friends with everyone on earth that we could instead of hating them, we still made mistakes like "Throwing the baby out with the bathwater" which mostly was caused by basically ending marriage which protected children more before then.

So, the whole point here is that if you believe the Disney (one true love stuff) it might eventually end your life because you won't try again when someone else good shows up in your life.


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