Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Future is never set in Stone

Many people believe that the future is solid and cannot be changed. However, in my personal experience this isn't true.

When I look into the future God allows me to help change things that he doesn't like by sharing information with you here.

How does this work?

My belief system about all of this is that there ARE some things that have to happen and I don't know why this is true. But then there are about somewhere between 20% and 50% of the things are allowed to be changed for a better outcome too. 

Which things can be changed and which cannot?

This is often difficult to discern especially for people just coming into their seeing the future.

Even I have been taken aback by things like the Loma Prieta Earthquake I knew one month before it happened and the 2004 Indonesia quake that killed around 250,000 people. Just because you know something difficult is coming doesn't mean that you are emotionally prepared for the actuality of the events you see coming.

What events do you have to get out of the way of?

When you see an earthquake coming of a magnitude of about 6.5 or more you usually should get out of the way because you or people around you could be killed or injured. So, moving to another location is useful. Most of the time you cannot stop earthquakes of this magnitude.

Also, once wars start you often can do nothing about wars.

However, you can often save lives if you know what is coming. Most bad things have to do with certain intersections of space and time. It's sort of like: "There's Disturbance in the Force, Luke!" sort of like that when you feel or sense the disturbance coming in a specific area you don't want to be there. So, if you are sensitive enough to this kind of thing you can NOT be there when people are going to die including yourself and hopefully your family survives all this as well.

My point of view is that I am a part of the Grace of God manifest on earth. I'm not the only one but I am one of many who save lives by teaching people how to survive their lives better.

It doesn't matter how intelligent or how rich you are if you are not listening when something bad is coming to where you are. The ONLY way often is to not be there when it happens I find.

So, for me, owning my own businesses so I have had maximum control of where I am going to be when is the biggest factor in not being places where people are going to die or be maimed.

And often these maimings are not just physical but PTSD events too.  So, avoiding serious PTSD inducing situations at home or abroad might be useful to you too long term.So, if you are a natural precognitive Intuitive like me then God likely made you to help your friends and family once you learn how to use these gifts to help yourself and mankind.

So, learning how to be useful to your own survival as well as the survival of all around you is why likely you have these gifts in the first place.

At this point I realize fully that the human race would have gone extinct thousands of years ago (and nearly did at one point) without people like you and I who could see potential futures before they happened so they could change things enough so we all could survive until Today and beyond.

By God's Grace

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