Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Top 5 articles in the last 30 days

The most well read article the last 30 days is:
The next most well read article here is:
The reason so many people are reading this article is that it gives you a word button so you can see what new developments are regarding ISIS(ISIL) and you can then click on those articles and newer ones referenced almost daily now by Wikipedia. So, by clicking on this button daily or weekly you might get a much better Idea of what is actually going on over there just by visiting this one site and referencing relevant news articles quoted there.

  • The third most well read article this month talks about which is more correct ISIS or ISIL?. Actually, both are correct and to some degree even Daesh is a correct way of calling ISIS and ISIL according to Syrians who don't like ISIS(ISIL). President Obama prefers ISIL because ISIS is also a Goddess of ancient Egypt so using her name is like take a God or Goddess' name in a profane way so this likely upsets a lot of Egyptians and other people. So, ISIL is actually more politically correct if people still know what you are talking about.
  • ISIS or ISIL?
The 4th most well read article in the last 30 days is regarding "What is the Levant?"
Here is a picture of the Levant from the article all in green or light green:
Levant  So, ISIS(ISIL) sees itself in charge of the Levant which is what it is trying to turn into a Caliphate. In other words: Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon etc.

What is the "Levant" in ISIL?: Wikipedia

Number 5 most well read this last 30 days here is:

This describes the phases of the Industrial Revolution up to now I believe in various stages.

However, the exact first Industrial revolution is usually considered to be: 1760 to around 1820 to 1840 which mostly at that time occurred in Europe and the U.S. and Canada at that time.

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