Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Do Some Republicans hate Trump enough to bring him down like Nixon was also brought down?

We all know that All Democrats want Trump out of the White House but how many Republicans also want Trump out of the White House and to be replaced with Pence?

This is an interesting question because we might find out in the next couple of weeks from the Senate Intelligence committee.

There are two points of view Regarding the House Intelligence Committee.

1. That Nunes has so screwed up the fairness of the Intelligence committee that the people of the U.S. have completely written off both him and the whole intelligence Committee as being suspect.

2. That Nunes has been so weakened by appearing to be Trump's Man in all this that he has completely lost credibility but that the committee might go on without him having any power left at all because no one (Republican or Democrat any longer expects any fairness out of him). So, therefore the committee might still do some good now Nunes has lost all credibility at all with the American People as head of the Intelligence Committee in the House.

But, if Trump is going to be brought down it is more likely to happen (at least starting in the Senate) than in the House because of the Mess Nunes has made of everything. So, Watch the Senate Republicans and what they are going to do.

So far, they say the Senate Intelligence committee is going to call 20 witnesses so heads may be about to roll in the Trump White House (maybe even Trump's).

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