Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Milarepa and Past Life Memories

May 23, 2014

I can remember meeting Milarepa when he was alive. From my experience this was one of the incarnations of Saint Germain. The lifetimes I remember most clearly of Saint Germain are Merlin who was the same person as Padmasambhava, Saint Francis of Asisi, Milarepa and Francis Bacon. I remember all these lifetimes of meeting him then. I also remember being a Roman Centurian Stationed in Israel and meeting Jesus which was a profound experience at the time and after. Even though I was pretty upset when he was crucified and it took me many lifetimes to get over his Crucifixion because of where I was at then.

If you don't know who Milarepa is or was then what is interesting about him is his Teacher Marpa, the Translator. I have a friend that studied translation of Sanskrit to English at UCLA and got a master's degree in History of religion at UCLA specializing in Buddhism and Sanskrit which was very helpful to me in understanding religions in general and their place in the cultures from thousands of years into the past and ongoing into the future. It has helped me become much more ecumenical in my religious and spiritual ideas having this friendship ongoing since the 1960s now.

Milarepa was born in Tibet to a wealthy father who died and left his fortune in the care of his brother who made Milarepa and his mother his slaves instead of taking care of them like he promised his now dead brother. Milarepa's mother took revenge upon the brother through Milarepa when she paid a sorcerer to teach Milarepa to kill supernaturally the brother and his family at a wedding which Milarepa did. When all these people died from the storm Milarepa conjured at a wedding, Milarepa was very sad and had great remorse. So, he then studied with a good teacher called Marpa, the Translator and eventually after years of practice in Himalayan caves became the most revered Saint in Tibetan Buddhism along with Padmasambhava who brought Buddhism to Tibet From Nalanda Buddhist University in India. Later Padmasambhava became Merlin the Magician in England and brought King Arthur to power there.

If any of you have any doubts that conjuring storms and other supernatural events can't really be done imagine this that I experienced in India. I was at the Kalachakra Tantra initiation in Bodhgaya, India in Deember 1985 with the Dalai Lama and 500,000 Tibetan Buddhists from all over the world. during this initiation of 4 days time at the end it is supposed to rain on just the people being initiated and that's all. Someone told me about this and I said, "Sure. It's a hot day in December and the air smells like burnt plastic and poop because that was what the locals cooked with then there. So, sure, it's supposed to rain out of a clear sky."

But then, at the exact appointed time I started watching a little cloud forming directly above the 500,000 assembled there and sure enough it rained on us all. I was pretty blown away by this as a westerner. However, I had already seen miracles of one kind or another pretty constantly since I had arrived in Nepal and India ongoing. Because that is how people generally survive there by living miracles which is different than the mechanistic lives we live here in the U.S.

Later, in Dharamshala I mentioned this rain event to a monk. He turned to me and said, "See that guy dressed in white robes over there?" I said "Yes". Then my Tibetan monk friend said, "That's the guy that made it rain. He can make it rain or he can make the rain not fall on a crowd of people too. So, at an initiation or ceremony outside he travels with the Dalai Lama to prevent rain or to make rain for him and Tibetan Buddhists". I was also blown away at this thought too. This is just the way things really are all the time in places like Tibet and Nepal and India in the Himalayas. This has just been "Normal" for at least 10,000 to 20,000 years over there.

By God's Grace

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