Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Soul Travel

My first normal memory is being rescued by Archangels from whooping cough at age 2. This is my first normal memory in this lifetime in the mind stream I still carry from that day. My personal goal ever after this was to learn to soul travel like the angels. So, I succeeded at this by my 20s when I was given permission by God to Soul Travel with the Angels.

What is soul Travel?

Most people feel imprisoned by their bodies whereas to a real soul traveler a body is like a car that the soul drives around in here on earth. A movie that might help you better understand soul travel might be "Dr. Strange". Most people live in the world of the Doctor while he was a physician. Most people never get to the out of body stuff that he has to do to take back control of his life and physical faculties.

Once God gave me Soul Travel permissions I entered an entirely different scientific paradigm than most people live in. When you meet or see someone like me in a different paradigm people usually have one of two reactions. Either they feel deep love for someone like me or they feel fear and terror; usually one or the other. I think this is based upon some people's fear of death if they are afraid just being near me.

Because I am completely fearless in regard to this. So, seeing someone with no fear in this direction is terrifying to some people. People love someone like this because they are "More than human" in the sense that they are no longer afraid of death like most people are.

Why aren't soul travelers afraid of death?

Because they have physically seen their souls separate from their bodies and their bodies have stayed alive like I have.

Once you see your soul separate from a body and that your body doesn't die you know that a body is something we wear here on earth and not the end all be all of everything in life.

Note; But there is also another factor with me. I'm 6 foot 5 inches tall. Some people are just afraid of people as tall as I am too. So, for some people this is a factor too.

By God's Grace

Note: God taught me the hard way not to Astral project. So, instead God taught me that Bilocation is the safe way to soul travel. But, even then, you have to be on a mission from God and traveling with Angels to be actually safe Soul traveling.

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