Saturday, August 1, 2020

Why Dreams are important?

They are important because they give you a clue to what's happening inside your subconscious mind. Things inside your subconscious mind tend to bubble up into your conscious mind. So, if you get a clue from your subconscious mind what is going on it lets you know more about how you are doing in relation to everything going on in your life.

So, it is kind of like a thermometer or newspaper telling you about yourself and how you are doing.

The one thing I have to say here is "Garbage in Garbage out". So, the nicer you are treating yourself the better dreams you will have. If you are constantly punishing yourself (whether you realize you are doing this or not) your life likely will be punished to in an ongoing way.

IF you look at your life since birth as an ongoing nuclear chain reaction in some ways this is useful.


Because everything you do or is done to you has ongoing consequences in your life. So, the kinder you are to yourself and those around you the more your mind and life might make more sense to you and it will become less chaotic and you will likely have less chance of going crazy or dying soon.

In our western civilization often we are victims of overstimulation which then causes us to be addicted to overstimulation.

However, to develop spiritually often we have to slow down and to go into the wilderness and watch a stream go by for awhile and watch animals in nature to slow down to where we can experience peace at a really deep level.

If people stay addicted too much to overstimulation in various ways they can burn out by 20 to 30 years of age and then what are they going to do with the rest of their lives?

If you burn out your capacities for love and compassion and kindness through overstimulation addictions you might not make it to 35 or 40.

So, to heal yourself often taking time to move to the country and slowing down might help you make better decisions and allow you to eat more organic foods and live longer and make better relationships with yourself and all others you meet or know now.

The nightmare coronavirus dreams are telling me that people are not taking care of themselves properly and so are dying a lot around the world. Sometimes it is through ignorance and sometimes it's just the situations they are in in life and the situations they are either trapped in or feel they are trapped in that kill them through coronavirus worldwide.

So, my personal horror is not my own survival skills because I have always been very well trained in this direction. My horror is watching people die like flies all over the world by being trapped or ignorant and I find it pretty horrific to be watching this now in my life.

But, it would be much worse if someone is in denial of all this because  then they might die of coronavirus because they are in denial instead of empathy for those dying.

Watch your dreams carefully because they will help you stay alive through the coronavirus worldwide.

By God's Grace

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