Sunday, July 2, 2023

I just asked the being I spoke with on Venus Soul Traveling there in 1970 was the Oneness of Venus. He said: "Yes"

 So, this explains a lot. If he is the present Oneness of Venus then he is the time Lord of Venus so he could visit or live literally in any time including when civilizations existed on Venus millions and possible longer ago. 

A Oneness is a Time Lord of a planet who controls the time lines of that planet for the Galactic Sentience. Such planets (like Earth) are Galactic Satellite Galactic Parks usually. For example, we have His Oneness of Earth who has been the Oneness of Earth for around 40,000 to 70,000 years or more at this point.

So, from a purely Galactic point of view we humans are a part of the Flora and Fauna of Galactic Park Earth. So, beings come from all over the Galaxy to see earth in every time past, present and future because Galactic Citizens are often allowed to travel time on any given planet as long as they don't change things very much because that affects the time lines if they do.

How do the Onenesses maintain Galactic Order in a Galactic Park?

One way is to prevent the births retroactively of any people who cause the Galaxy any trouble.

Who or what is trouble?

Anyone who destroys cities or civilizations or does certain other things. Their birth is prevented retroactively so everything they did didn't happen during their lives. So they were never born and never existed on that time line.

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