Saturday, June 1, 2019

Are UFOs real?

The answer has to be yes.

But then the words, "That's all very true but how much of it?" might come next.

Here maybe the best way to see all this.

Imagine your grandfather or great grandfather in 1900. In 1900 motorized flight hadn't even happened yet. If you told your grandfather that UFOs from other worlds and dimensions had been coming here since before earth was created he might lock you up as a looney tune.

But, imagine now moving back through time and telling your great grandfather (or grandfather in 1900) that you have a "Dick TRacy" phone that you can see videos live of anyone on earth you are talking to that are instantly sent from one smart phone to another. You show him this phone working and he might faint right away.

The same is true of things from other worlds. It's not just their technology, it's also their psychology. How they perceive reality that is different from us today.

In the 1950s if you didn't believe in God here on earth you sure likely wouldn't tell anyone because you might not get a job most places in the U.S.

Believing in God in the 1950s was important to success then.

So, Yes, there are UFOs but there is a lot more to it than that. Just like the differences between you and your grandfather who has never been in an airplane ever because it hasn't been invented yet in 1900.

And yet, time travel has existed some place in this galaxy and likely others since before earth as a planet came into being.

That's enough to think about for now.

By God's Grace

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