Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Strangely enough if you want to understand where Science came from it began with ancient Philosophers

The reason for this likely is simple. Religions whether they be tribal Shamanic religions or more organized ones with millions of adherents often don't want people to ask certain questions.

However, the Ancient Greeks through Philosophical Inquiry began to ask these questions. It began with 

    begin quote:
    Thales of Miletus (c. 624-c. 545 B.C.E.) is generally considered to be the first Greek philosopher: 
    • Naturalistic explanation
      Thales was the first to provide a natural explanation of the world's origins, free from mythology. He believed that all things came from water, based on the discovery of fossil sea animals far inland.  end quote.

      So, Thales began the tradition of Philosophical inquiry and through this way of questioning what is happening around you and sometimes within one's body or anothers answers were able to be found.

      So, then you move forward to someone like Francis Bacon who is considered to be the Father of the Scientific Method which is to break all potential facts down into hypotheses, Theories and Laws.

      So, strangely enough, studying Philosophy teaches you the history of moving from Religion to science.

      However, in many ways religions have value of keeping children and adults alive when bad things happen in their lives. But, it's debatable in some ways whether religions cause or prevent suicides in people of all ages.

      But, the other point that might be important is that if you don't believe in anything comforting often Science all by itself might cause you to commit suicide too.

      So, often striking some sort of balance between religious philosophies and science is a more likely way to survive to old age.

      I also like the Greek Saying "Moderation in all things". People who seem to be too extreme into anything often are the first to die in life I have noticed.

      So, if you want to live a long time: "Moderation in all things" seems to be a good motto.

      Even Lam Rim that Buddha thought up is based upon "moderation in all things".

      But, I find the single most important thing to believe in in life is compassion for yourself and all other beings if you want to live to a ripe old age and be happy too.

      By God's Grace


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