Friday, November 21, 2008

Jesus Went to India

I discovered young that God is where you find Him, Her, the Being. So I continued my research wherever God led me by Grace throughout my life.

One of my journeys led me to Nepal and India where I found both records and people who could translate them about Jesus. These people and records told me that Jesus, Yesu in his native Aramaic became after 35 years old an Indian Saint called Issa and with his wife(assumed to be Mary Magdelene) had several children in India, a very famous Saint and Guru and taught until he was in his mid 80s and then passed away.

This has led me to believe that Jesus sometime between ages 12 and 30 must have gone to India by way of working on or with a Caravan train of Camels and traders which was a very common thing to do then if one wanted to see the world. While in India it is assumed that he learned about the compassion of Guatama Buddha(500 BC) approximately and also studied like Buddha did with ascetics and Mahasiddhas and learned to raise his body from the dead and many other supernatural feats.

This makes complete sense as he was predicted to become a world savior as a child. So he knew of these predictions was very intelligent, wise and gifted and moved in the direction of a great prophet, Guru, and world savior. So he studied with the best and the brightest that he could find to become proficient as a Prophet and potential world savior. And then after 33 years old and raising his body from the dead as he predicted and learned to do from Mahasiddhas in India he returned to India with his wife(Mary Magdelene) and had children and became the famous(in India and Tibet) Saint Issa(very close to the Aramaic Yesu which is Jesus' real name).

Also, it is very easy for me to believe that Mary the mother of Jesus had Arcangel Gabriel who came to her and told her she would have Jesus. I too, had an angel come and ask me to be born. This was my first son. Also, I was not married at the time but living with my girlfriend. Though my second daughter did not come to me as an angel but came to my wife instead, she still asked my wife to be born. My third child also came to me as an angel and told me when she would be conceived and was right on the money when she said. So it is not hard at all for me to believe that Arcangel Gabriel came to Mother Mary to tell her of Jesus' birth. Whether Mary was a virgin or not I can't really say. I wasn't there to know. However, I can vouch for the fact that often angels come to foretell the births of children. All three of my children announced their births either to me or my wife.

So, since there are records of Saint Issa and his wife and children that date back to those times of Jesus, I believe this is all true to the best of my research ability.

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