Friday, October 3, 2014

93 or 98 where I live right now

The reason I'm not exactly sure is I took a reading just now in two of our cars, my wife's and my daughter's because I had both sets of keys in my pocket. My daughther's cars temperature gauge said 98 degrees Fahrenheit and my wife's 93 degrees Fahrenheit. She had said she was inland at her physical therapists at it was 97 there on her cars thermometer.

However, I'm not sure the accuracy now of either cars thermometer because San Francisco is 88 degrees and Morgan Hill is 92. But, I've got to tell you that outside it feels like about 95 to 97 degrees right now as I was raised in Los Angeles County in Glendale where we lived often without air conditioners in the 1950s there.

My experience that made me want to move away from the Los Angeles area happened when I was about 10 or 12 and we didn't have air conditioning in our car then. I think we were in our 1956 Century Buick still. We dropped my Mom off at LAX airport so she could fly to Seattle to visit her sisters and she was there 2 hours before we got home. It was at least 100 degrees and I had a headache for 2 days after that being stuck on the freeways in 100 degrees for about 4 hours. This is when I knew I wasn't going to spend my whole life on Los Angeles Freeways. And on top of that the smog was the 1950s sulphur kind where every breath felt like someone was stabbing you in your chest on top of every thing else.

One thing I'm grateful for: There haven't been that many ambulances from the heat today. Most people who had heat related problems already went to the hospital yesterday.

Many people who are not out of doors people like myself don't really know what to do when it gets hot because they don't have air conditioners here because 99% of the time they don't ever need one here on the northern California coast. But, for some people today they might need to either leave home or get some ice put it in a plastic bag and put it at the base of their neck next to their skull to keep their brain cool so they don't get heat prostration and have to go to the hospital.

That's what I'm doing right now because I got too hot walking my dogs in this heat in the forest. I was worried about them walking with their fur coats in this heat but they came back and laid down on the foyer tile floor which is still cool from the night. They really know how to keep cool. They really know how to survive almost anything.

97 at 2pm in Morgan Hill.They now expect it to hit 100 sometime today.

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