Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name.

 So, this is where this all Started.


By the 1970s this statement had morphed into:

The Path that can be named is not the true path or the true way.

The point of this saying is that "Each one's path is spontaneous and individual. So, if you name a path as a path or religion you have already failed all those who come after.

Because each path is spontaneous and each person is different in what will bring them to enlightenment.

This is also why the saying exists of "IF you meet the Buddha on the path kill him."

In other words "YOU need to find your own path not someone else's."

And it's true that each person has to create a custom made path every single day to succeed in life.

Maybe the best way to say this is: "Just know that  Life (God) whatever you want to call it will show you spontaneously the way to go every single moment of your life.

This is the most powerful path when combined with kindness towards yourself and all other beings in the past, present and future.

This also likely will create the longest life possible for you and for your children.

By God's Grace

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