Monday, April 14, 2008 Like many people I found out about on the news. I've been to the site and it is a fun site for kids who want to expand their vocabulary. However, the words tend to be about 4th grade through college so younger kids might get frustrated so you might want to give them encouragement. However, for kids that never worked outside the home this actually puts food on starving people's tables throughout the world. The rice is provided according to how many people or children actually answer the right synonym for each word out of a choice of 4. Just click on the right answer and you get a few grains of rice donated to someone starving. I think it said millions of people are now doing this so the donations of rice are really starting to help and to educate kids into having better vocabularies and to feel like they are making a difference for starving kids all over earth. To get more information go to the site or Google it.

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