Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oneness while falling Through Space


Though this my real experience it gives me greater liberty to be truthful about what I write about to use this designation of (fiction?)

I have always been very intuitive. Even at age 2 I remember knowing what people were thinking and wondering why they didn't say what they thought. This troubled me growing up and as a result I had less faith in adults in general as a result. However, by about age 12 to 15 I began to realize that not saying what one really thinks is the essence of civilization. For if everyone always said exactly what they thought in any given moment everyone would be dead without exception by now.

And so, I learned that politeness and kindness was and is the essence of civilization simply because we are all, in the end animals who teach our children to be civilized. In this way we limit mass murder to a minimum.

As one learns growing up to be and to become civlized, it sometimes is difficult to know when to be truthful and when to mitigate the truth. This is where many people go wrong in life by confusing themselves over this issue and thereby creating nothing but havoc in their lives.

I tend to be at core a naturally truthful person and my father's family tended always to be truthful to a fault. As a result I had to learn the hard way how to not hurt people's feeling with the truth. For truth is a two edged sword that cuts both ways. So, then growing up for me more than any one thing was to learn to worship the truth without destroying people around me with it. It is said, "Know the truth and the truth will set you Free!" But you notice it doesn't say, "Speak the truth and the truth will set you free." For speaking the truth unless one is very careful can be disastrous. So then, learning to know the truth appears to be what is important and holding the truth in your heart and mind appears to be in the end to secret of life and even of a long life.

However, speaking the truth is a very tricky thing and very few handle it right but the very wisest of all men and women.

Given all this I'm sharing my truths in a (Fiction?) context in order to protect both you and I. I think this is very funny but also necessary.

I named this "Oneness while falling through space" because since we are all falling through space both in actuality(earth and solar system and Galaxy falling through space into infinity) and metaphorically (major economic shifts on planet earth). The "Oneness" part for me is about how to enjoy more our fall through space.

First of all, if you have a place to live, clothes and food and have reasonably good health, the likelihood is that you will survive all this. Looking at things this way is very useful to all of us. And second, if you know how to pray, meditate or can find ways to peace even if you don't believe in God, nature or something, then you will likely be okay in the consciousness department as well.

However, I'm writing here to share my own experiences with you in the hope that they might help you have more peace about your present life ongoing into the future.

I started out being raised as a Christian Mystic. My parents beliefs were in the direction of Christian Science, Rosicrucian, SRF, and that direction. They were church leaders in Los Angeles of their church of around 500 to 1000 members with many other churches worldwide. I was raised to not wear red or black, to not eat onions and garlic and most of all to not eat any meat. This was difficult being raised in Glendale in the Los Angeles County area from 1956 until 1969 when I turned 21.

I followed my parents beliefs like most children did then until I became about 10 or 12 and then began to question all religious people being sane. It didn't matter the religion I began to consider all religious people a little nuts. Then I got childhood epilepsy and in order to survive this I got religion. Since my parents taught me in their way this was the religion I chose to survive childhood epilepsy. By using my parents religious principles God and I defeated childhood epilepsy. However, in order to defeat childhood epilepsy I had to invite God to live in my body with me. I did this so powerfully that my whole life changed much like an old testament prophet. To say the changes were terrifying is to underestimate the changes to my life. However, the good part was that I became like an apostle or prophet extremely gifted with God gifts like precognition, healing at a distance, and experiencing myself as the whole universe which I call infinite resonance. So my experience a lot of the time is that I am God in a body on earth giving order to life in the universe. Now, just so you don't think I'm just nuts, I have found that among people with God given gifts, generally God doesn't allow you to stay alive with these gifts unless you are under his command. The penalty for misusing gifts at this level is either insanity or death or both.

So, here I am at age 15 with all these gifts feeling like I had a literal tiger by the tail(the gifts) and knowing if I misused these gifts that I would be killed. I suppose it would be like if you were the only non blind person on earth. There is a whole lot you could get away with. However, I knew fully that God let me see in this way for a reason and if I took advantage of my position in a way he didn't approve that I would die. This is a very scary place to be for a 15 year old.

So, I began studying everything I could so God would have no reason to kill me through misuse of the gifts he had given me. As I used the gifts I understood they grew and grew. I began to be able to walk by people and know when they were going to die. I knew when women were pregnant before they did as I walked by. I knew the nature of the souls in the wombs of obviously pregnant women. I blessed all these souls first consciously and then as I grew wiser both automatically and consciously as needed and as God needed. Every time I used my gifts as a wise being God increased my gifts more and more and more. Though this was frightening in one way I became accustomed to all this and more accepting that I could handle it and not misuse it and not die from it.

Thoughout my twenties I began to hear from friends with advanced degrees in for example comparative religion as well as a master's degree in History of Religion specializing in Buddhism and translating Sanskrit of a state of consciousness where one would literally be One with all compassionate beings of the past, present and future, literally everywhere everywhen, trillions and trillions of beings.

I consciously attained that state in my early thirties and it was a very terrifying experience for about 24 hours. A lesser aware person might die in this kind of transition, for too much fear might cause death in this kind of transition. However, once this state had been attained, I found that there really wasn't anything to be afraid of as long as one was faithful to all life in the universe at the behest of God.

So what I'm talking about is not for irresponsible children of any age unless of course they want to die.

It is sort of like piloting a very large passenger jet(you better know what you're doing first).

However, I'm sharing here with you that this infinite conscious 24 hour a day direct real experience with all compassionate beings in thousands of Galaxies throughout all time and space is possible right here and now on planet earth. And might I say neither time or space is an obstacle to manifesting Good will right here on earth once this state is attained. And for that matter there is no obstacle to manifesting Good Will anywhere anywhen, anywhere in the universe! My best wishes to you in attaining this state of consciousness if it is your foremost desire. Blessings.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Wow. I would love to literally feel at one with all of life; to actually experience this as opposed to just feeling it is so.